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timely mistake

Ok I made a very lame mistake this morning which cost me lots on the work end.

I ran out of time to call Florentz this morning, to tell him to just leave the nut in the mail box if we were not around, and told my self I would do it once I got to work - yea right. Some where between the front door and my office chair that thought vanished. That cost me my time to primer the closets and trim this evening. I ended up driving out to Florentz's to pick up the nut.

The bonnet-nut is in place and I think we will have a permatemp fix shortly. Of course I have to let the system cycle through and get to the max pressure (20-24) before we can be sure it is going to hold. The fix job looks good now I just have to get a packing combination in there that will work.